Twenty national partners have joined the campaign this year. ALL DIGITAL Week 2020 is happening in unprecedented circumstances in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, when things are changing every day, and all partners have had to transform their work immediately to respond to the crisis. So all the events have been moved online and adjusted to answer the most important issues, the main being schools on quarantine, teachers trying to move to distance learning and parents trying to work from home and entertain and support their kids.
We have already presented the events from some of our national partners, and now we’d like to share what is offered in other countries.
Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD), ALL DIGITAL Week partner for the eighth time in Italy, has activated an educative channel to support the distance teaching. It collects webinars, online courses, best practices and tools dedicated to students and teachers: from the online lab on artificial intelligence in collaboration with Microsoft to multimedia resources to talk about bullying and gender violence thanks to the partnership with Google, many webinars are dedicated to coding (Computer Science First Project) and to the safe use of Internet (Be Internet Awesome Project). Find out more
United Kingdom
In the UK we have three partners: Good Things Foundation, Prodigy Learning, and UpSkill Digital.
Good Things Foundation whose Get Online Week inspired the All Digital Week back in 2010, is proud to support ALL DIGITAL Week and encourage their community network of 4,000 Online Centres to represent the UK in a Europe-wide Digital Inclusion movement. They have developed resources and webinars on how to help the most vulnerable populations and how to support their centres.
Prodigy Learning is a partner for the UK and Ireland. They will involve their Testing Centres across to run Test Fests that give students the opportunity to test their digital skills and earn globally, industry-recognised certification from Microsoft
UpSkill Digital‘s main contribution are their three webinars that they are offering to all affected by lock-downs and having to start working remotely.
- 💻 25 March, 11:00 AM GMT / noon CET: Working remotely with Microsoft Teams (from UpSkill Digital)
- 💻26 March 11 am GMT / noon CET: Coronavirus and managing remote teams effectively
- 💻 02 April, 11:00 AM GMT / noon CET: Embracing the remote working experience
Find out more about the planned activities in the UK and Ireland
ALL DIGITAL Week in Sweden is run by Foreningen Sambruk and the Swedish network organization ‘Digidelnätverket’. Public libraries, local public authorities, adult educational associations, NGOs and the private business sector create united actions all over Sweden to give people tools and approaches to enhance their digital skills. Learn more
The campaign in Armenia is organised for the second time and run by STEM Society in partnership with Safer Internet Armenia Programme. Similar to our Italian partner, Armenian partners have joined All Digital Week with already only online events planned. Some of the activities are:
- ‘Distance Learning Methods and How to create an online lesson’ training course for teachers.
- ‘ICTs for More Efficient STEM Education’ pilot, aimed at strengthening collaboration within the STEM educational community, innovative usage of ICTs for better learning outcomes and quality education.Learn more
During the All Digital Week 2020 the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) along with its partner organisations run different events, including the Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge (CCSC) that happened during 1-15 March, “Code Cyprus” with workshops and conferences. Find out more
European Projects & Management Agency (EPMA) is back as a national partner for Czechia. EPMA is involving members of the national Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and focusing on formal and non-formal educational organisations primarily from its co-founding region, the Vysocina Region. Learn more
In Poland, the Information Society Development Foundation (Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego, FRSI) is leading the campaign under the motto “e-Strong for life “ (which prompted the title of this blog).
FRSI will encouraged its local partners – libraries, schools, local NGOs, digital centres, etc. to make available online resources that have been created within an EU-funded project “e-Strong: digital skills, real benefits” and prepared scenarios describing step by step how to organize and run a meeting, training or session where participants learn how to learn and develop their digital skills with the use of online resources. Find out more
The campaign in Finland led by Bildningsalliansen consists of various training events, seminars, webinars and lectures organized by individual actors around the country. New regional networks to support basic digital skills have been established in 2019 and they have been organising their own events. Learn more about the events in Finland here.
Read the overview of what other national partners had prepared for the campaign in our earlier blog. Events are also happening in Belgium, Norway, Ukraine, and Russia.
If you are organising an event, please add it to the map of events!
How to organise events? Learn here!
Check our resources for teaching digital skills and Stay at Home Digital Toolkit
We wish all of you strength to keep going and to stay healthy!
All photos are from previous editions of All Digital Week