
All Digital Week 2019

43% of European citizens lack digital skills to be able to fully participate in and benefit from the digital society. To support them and raise awareness of the importance of digital skills training, ALL DIGITAL together with its partners has been running the pan-European campaign ALL DIGITAL Week every March since 2010.

Over 2500 organisations in 31 countries joined the 10th edition of ALL DIGITAL Week to offer over 3600 training and awareness raising events to 130,000 participants. Many thanks to all the partners who organised and supported the activities of ALL DIGITAL Week, this is our joint success!

ALL DIGITAL Week 2019 was held under the patronage of Mr Tibor Navracsics, Member of the European Commission and supported by Liberty Global, Certiport and Google Europe.

Certiport is thrilled to be part of ALL DIGITAL Week,” said Ray Murray, Vice President and General Manager – IT, Pearson VUE. “We believe that certification is the best measure of return on investment in digital skills education and we are committed to working to include the 43 percent of Europeans who still do not have the digital skills needed for today’s workplace.” Certiport also involved their Authorized Partners to run activities under the ALL DIGITAL Week, and many of them offered free training and certification. Read more

This year the campaign was run in conjunction with European Media Literacy Week and had a strategic support from major European organisations: Lifelong Learning Platform, European Schoolnet, Europeana, Public Libraries 2030, CEPIS, European Banking Federation, Digital SME Alliance, European Cybercrime Centre of Europol.

With Google Europe ALL DIGITAL organised a training of trainers in Brussels on Be Internet Citizens curriculum. The participants then organised their own training events on Media Literacy and Disinformation in their countries.

On 26 March, ALL DIGITAL and the Lifelong Learning Platform gathered European stakeholders to tackle the burning issue of digital skills and media literacy. How do we work together to support them? This was the key question that representatives of EU institutions, civil society organisations, education institutions and practitioners discussed at The 43 event.

And of course, as in all other years, a range of activities were held by ALL DIGITAL Week partners in 31 countries. The three major topics of 2019 campaign were:

  • Promote media literacy by developing critical thinking and digital literacy
  • Build safety and trust in technology by developing cybersecurity skills
  • Enhance employability by developing the right skills for the new digital jobs.

All the partners promoted those topics, and of course basic digital skills have also been in the focus. You can see examples of activities across countries in this blogpost.


What are the campaign highlights in different countries?

    • The second ALL DIGITAL Week in Finland expanded this year to five regions of the country and offered workshops, lectures, hands-on training, discussions, digital fairs, maker spaces, panel discussions, digital first aid, digi-walks and much more.
    • In Extremadura, Spain the four main training scenarios were offered in different centres, each devoted to one of the topics of the campaign: Don’t Be Fooled, All Digital Ring, 3D Dare and All Digital Challenge.
    • In Slovenia the focus was on training basic digital skills for people over 55 and seniors, through intergenerational cooperation – by and with the help of young pupils.


  • In the UK, In partnership with Google Digital, UpSkill Digital provided training in universities, public libraries, job expos and business events, helping to upskill people with the necessary skills for their job and business success.
  • The campaign in Serbia had the idea to promote Digital and Media Literacy as a part of the process of Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education.
  • In Germany the focus was on digital media in education and the digital inclusion of all target groups, especially the disadvantaged populations.


  • In Croatia, librarians (among others) learned how to use micro:bit computers in various school subjects, to then transfer knowledge to young people who come to libraries.
  • In Bulgaria, trainers from regional and municipal libraries in partnership with schools, NGOs and regional offices responsible for cybersecurity talked with children about personal information protection, safe communication on social networks, and how to surf safe on the Internet.
  • For the first ALL DIGITAL Week in Armenia, a set of video materials was prepared by young people in schools and highlighting the topics of Internet Safety, Cyber Risks, Digital Awareness.


  • In Cyprus the “Coding our future” workshops were held to engage primary school children in gaining coding skills.
  • In Italy the organisers are especially proud of their collaboration with industry partners: Facebook, Microsoft, Free Formers, Olivetti, Ericsson, etc, with the help of which they offered workshops to various target groups.


The top six countries involving the largest numbers of participants were (again) Latvia, Russia, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, and Sweden.

  • In Latvia, 202 cities, municipalities and parishes organised 600 events for 28,000 people. The highlight of the campaign in Latvia was the “Digital Skills for Future Digital Work” day, targeting young people (aged 12-19) to promote ICT careers and digital jobs.
  • 263 libraries, kindergartens, children’s learning centers, schools, colleges, universities and non-profits in Russia involved over 23,000 participants from 57 urban and rural locations in various events from online safety and career guidance to robotics, big data and VR hackathon.

Russia, training at the hospital

  • In Lithuania over 500 public libraries joined the campaign. The week was especially interesting and useful for people working with youth: teachers, librarians, future teachers. Many webinars and the conference “Development of digital competence: When and How“ were organized to share the latest information on the use of technology in education. Over 15,000 people participated in activities.
  • In Romania over 150 partners – schools, public libraries, NGOs, public access points, computer clubs, may of which in small and rural communities – offered workshops in First Click, IC3 Simulations, programming with Minecraft, Micro:bit, etc. for 11,000 people

    First click training in Romania

  • Campaign in Poland was focused mainly on critical thinking and media literacy topics, but other important issues like encouraging young people to coding education were also highlighted. 192 organisations conducted over 400 events, many of them using the ready-made scenarios, for 11,000 people.
  • In Sweden 148 locations offered events for 9,000 people; some were mini-fairs where visitors could get help with different e-services from providers such as municipalities, bank offices, publishers and local authorities, others were pop-up libraries and pop-up-digital-helpdesks.Consultation at the library in Sweden

Out of all the events presented on ALL DIGITAL map, the organising committee has chosen 14 finalists of the Best Event Contest, out of which the ALL DIGITAL jury selected 3 best events, that were celebrated at the ALL DIGITAL Summit in Bologna in October 2019.

Check posts about All Digital Week 2019:



By clicking on the flags below, you can learn about the partners’ activities in 2019 and what they did in previous campaigns