
GOW2012 video from Lithuania: Robotics: fantasy or reality?

One of the activities the Association Langas I Ateiti (LIA) promoted during the Get Online Week 2012 in Lithuania was an educational seminar about robotics. The seminar was organized by the Vilnius Computer Users’ Academy, a non-formal education organization where high school students gather during the weekend to study subjects they’re interested in: architecture, robots building, graphic,  interior & custom design, etc. The students create animations, program Lego Mind Storm robots and develop websites.

In the video LIA’s director Loreta Krizinauskiene introduces the concept of Get Online Week and
Giedré Petraityté, manager of the Vilnius Computer Users’ Academy explains the values of the organization. LIA’s reporter Karolina Jasvinaite also interviews the lecturer of the seminar, Valerijus Zlosnikas about his motivation to teach as a volunteer.  The young students are interviewed too and asked about their internet use and their interest in a future profession in IT, programming or robotics: