ALL DIGITAL Week 2020 was organised by 20 national partners, was kindly supported by Certiport, and run in strategic partnership with major European organisations: Lifelong Learning Platform, Europeana, Public Libraries 2030, CEPIS, and European Cybercrime Centre of Europol.
It happened at the beginning of lock-downs due to COVID-19, and all partners had to quickly adapt their activities and move them online. But with that, they were among the first ones to support their communities with mostly needed digital skills.
We realize more than ever that digital and media literacy skills are crucial, and many of our partners have been working extremely hard during these days supporting their communities – be it through training teachers in online learning, running a helpdesk to answer technical questions, developing new resources or 3D printing protective equipment. We are truly humbled by the work of our members and their partners and happy to share that with you!
In partners’ blogs on Unite-IT you can learn the results of the campaign in Extremadura/Spain, Lithuania, Italy, Croatia, and all events can be found on the events map.