
All Digital Weeks 2022 Events in Lithuania – Invited All Ages








To help people of all ages striving for the most digital knowledge, the association Langas į ateitį has been coordinating the annual European ALL Digital Week campaign in Lithuania since 2010. This year, the campaign has expanded to five weeks from 14 March to 14 April.

During each week of the campaign Lithuanian citizens were invited to check their digital literacy skills, improve them participating in self-study classes and participate in 6 webinars supported by Kaunas University of Technology. 66 thousand audience has been reached by promotional activities on social media and 7000 participants attracted to the events in public libraries and online.

The topic of the first week – What are my digital skills? This week, participants had the opportunity to self-assess their digital skills and discover gaps that hinder effective work and quality living. One of the tools offered for testing was developed by Langas į ateitį as well as the second one – DigSat test based on the European Digital Competences Framework for Citizens, developed by the Joint Research Centre and the European Commission.

The second week, which took place from 21 to 25 March, focused on cybersecurity knowledge and safe behavior online and was organized in cooperation with Lithuanian Safer Internet Centre. Next to the self-study material three online events were organized during this week. The lecturer Renata Danielienė, the Lithuanian digital champion, was the first to speak what risks could occur in both our and our kid’s internet space and how best to handle them. The other competent financial crime prevention experts advised on how to strengthen our vigilance, how to deal in a suspicious situation.

Digital skills require improvement from everyone

The topic of the third week was STEM skills – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) strands. This area is becoming increasingly promising every year in a so fast-changing technological world. During this week, the Baltic Educational Technology Institute invited to a debate online dedicated particularly to the girls who had already decided re. STEM or are considering to find a path in STEM and to facilitate the choice of future studies. During the webcast, the participants were shared with the advice from the girls with long-standing experience in the technology sector, which should be addressed not only for successful STEM studies, but also for creative and interesting work in this field.

The fourth ADW week in addition to the self-learning classes, invited employees to join private company ATEA lecture entitled Principles and protective measures for teleworking from home. This topic has not lost its relevance in the recent past and attracted quite a big number of attendees. As well as ADW campaign partner Idea Prima webcast which invited to explore ways of providing emotional health support online. The final week was dedicated to the topic on critical thinking and why it is particularly important in these times of disinformation. Every day we are confronted with propaganda and fake news. In order to resist this misleading information, it is first and foremost important to identify it.

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