During the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022, seven events took place in Cyprus attracting more than 1500 participants.
The Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) as a member of All Digital and GrantXpert Consulting Ltd in collaboration with various organisations have organized various activities during the All Digital Weeks 2022 in Cyprus.
These activities addressed all the age groups starting from Elementary students and reaching up to Adult trainers and Professionals and managed to bring together more than 1500 participants from all over the island. As in 2021 most of the activities were organised online and only one took place with a physical presence.
The activities organised by CCS in Cyprus were offered on both School times and on the students and educators free time and were 4 activities offered as part of the the Coding Our Future Initiative (https://codingourfuture.org/)
- Learn to code… become a superhero (49 different sessions from 1 March to 15 April 2022)
- Create your own digital game (15 different sessions from 1 March to 15 April 2022)
- Win battles learning Code (5 different sessions from 1 March to 15 April 2022)
- BEBRAS Algorithmic Thinking (8 different sessions from 1 March to 15 April 2022)
Two activities from Erasmus+ funded projects were organised by the Cyprus Computer Society and GrantXpert Consulting Ltd. These were:
- The round table discussion entitled “The use of digital tools and their impact on STEM education”, under the CHOICE Project (612849-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD) https://www.euchoice.eu/ was organised by the leading partners GrantXpert Consulting Ltd and the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece, with the support of the European University Cyprus.
- The announcement of the Re-Educo School school contest (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079433) http://re-educo.eu/. The project partners are located in Cyprus, Greece, Finland, Spain and Italy
Finally on 13 April 2022 the Bebras Cyprus and Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics Award Ceremony took place in Nicosia. The ceremony was addressed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth and the winners of the Bebras Challenge Cyprus 2021-2022 and the Cyprus Informatics Olympiad received their awards
Images from the events: