On 18 October 2018, the ALL DIGITAL Awards Ceremony was organised in Brussels to celebrate the finalists and winners of the awards competition, organised each year to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations across Europe that enable people to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by digital transformation.
One of the categories was the THREE Best Events of ALL DIGITAL Week 2018. That competition was held during the campaign. To enter the competition the organisers had to add their event to the map with photos, description and feedback from participants. And the jury assessed those based on the quality of content, participation, media impact, etc. Out of the events presented on the map the organisers chose three best ones.
We were very excited that all of them managed to come to Brussels to participate in the ALL DIGITAL Summit and the Awards Ceremony!
Best promo event: From Digiblaha to Digiaha, Finland
For the first time this year the ALL DIGITAL Week was organized in Finland thanks to our cooperation with Bildningsalliansen and Make it Finland. We were very excited to partner with them and hope it will continue. They really pulled their resources and organized a few events all over the country, one being a big opening day called From Digiblaha to Digiaha. 19 March became the All Digital Day. The three floors of the big house in downtown Helsinki were filled with keynotes, discussions, a digital fair, presentations, and a lot of laughter. On our Unite-IT platform you can learn more about the event with the full agenda, photos and videos – if you want to organize smth similar – you have the ready script: Finland: From Digiblaha to digiaha.
Bildningsalliansen is the organization that united various partners, and at the Ceremony it was represented by Liisa Tiainen of VTKL – The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People.
Other two events are the training events, and no surprise that the events from these two countries won – they have been partners in the campaign from the very beginning – Romania and Spain.
Best training event ‘Introduction to Cybersecurity’, Romania
The first ‘event’ was in fact a series of events at Ienachita Văcărescu National College in Targoviste, Romania as part of Introduction to Cybersecurity training course as part of Cisco NetAcad programme. 380 students between the ages of 15 and 17 years old attended an online course either from school or from home with support of their teachers. You can learn more in the blog Romania: “Introduction to Cybersecurity” at “Ienachita Vacarescu” National College.
The teachers from the College Anca Mihaela Rafira and Catalina Estera Vlad were present at the Ceremony.
Best training event “All Digital Ring”, Spain
It felt like the biggest media buzz was coming from Extremadura, Spain – over 1100 users participated in ALL DIGITAL Rings in various ICT centres, civic centres, libraries and other public spaces. The events were supported by ALL DIGITAL member AUPEX. The ring is an activity based on a Scratch project, easily scalable that have been adapted to different levels of digital competence and contexts. Also, on our Unite-IT blog Spain: All Digital Ring | Scratch project to be shared there is a detailed explanation of how it is done, the links to questions and tips on how to conduct.
AUPEX and ALL DIGITAL Ring was represented by Antonio Roman-Casas.
The winners of ALL DIGITAL Week Best event were awarded by CEO of ALL DIGITAL Laurentiu Bunescu. CONGRATULATIONS!
From left to right: Representatives of AUPEX, ALL DIGITAL, Bildningsalliansen, Ienachita Vacarescu National College