
“Digital skills contest” @ Le Mans University (France)

Digital technology is present in our lives every day. To get information, work, travel, share ideas, communicate with relatives, carry out administrative procedures, etc. Digital skills are considered today as important transversal skills for citizenship.

The aim is to Support the raising of the general level of digital knowledge and skills; Preparing for the digital transformation of our entire society and our economy.

The ALLDIGITAL association launch All digital weeks in Europe every year. LMU participated for the first time by organizing a digital skills challenge developed jointly with the GIP Pix from April 4th to 6th.

It ended with a significant participation of staff and students. The challenge consisted of about twenty questions; from the most basic to the most elaborate using an adaptive algorithm where the level of the questions adapts to the answers. When you succeed a question, you access the next level, if you encounter difficulties, questions within your reach are proposed.

The questions focused on data management and processing, how to conduct research and information monitoring, securing the digital environment, digital identity, protecting personal data and privacy as well as programming.

At the end of the test, each participant obtained an overall score with the detailed results of each skill and links to tutorials or clues to progress.