
3D Modeling & 3D Printing

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Type of the event: Workshop/training

Main theme/focus: Basic Digital Skills / Media Literacy

Main theme/focus: Enhancing digital skills / Digital inclusion / Accessibility

Date time start: 24/03/2022 15:00

Date time end: 24/03/2022 16:00

Number of hours: 1

Country: Bulgaria

Region: Russe

City/Town: Russe

Organisation: Regional library

Address of the event: ул. „Княз Ал. Дондуков-Корсаков“ 1, Ruse, Bulgaria

Target Group: School students

Number of participants: 10

Photos from the event:

The event is: Planned

Short description of the event:

how to use 3D scener, different program for 3D modeling, 3D printing