
How to build a safer community for our youth

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Type of the event: Discussion/Debate/meeting

Online or offline: Online

Main theme/focus: Basic Digital Skills / Media Literacy

Main theme/focus: Cybersecurity / Safer Internet

Date time start: 07/04/2022 14:00

Date time end: 07/04/2022 15:00

Number of hours: 1

Country: Belgium

City/Town: Brussels

Organisation: ALL DIGITAL

Address of the event: ALL DIGITAL, Rue du Commerce, Bruxelles, Belgio

Url of the event:

Target Group: General public

Number of participants: 50

Photos from the event:

The event is: Planned

Short description of the event:

It is safe to say that the internet has become an integral part of children and young people’s lives. The increased time spent online is prompting questions about whether they are in control of their internet usage, and what we can do to make the internet a safer space.


The low level of awareness of cyber threats and their potential impact is a significant issue that translates into the proliferation of incidents, thus 86% of Europeans believe that the risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime is rapidly increasing.


This event is therefore focused on younger generations perspectives, risks, threats, and perspective on how they might be protected from cybercrimes and, more generally, how we can prevent and support them in having a safe digital experience. More specifically, we will discuss the issue from diverse point of views, from the ethical and physicological side to the policy and more practical approach.

Examples on actions and campaigns that are already tackling this issue will be introduced, like the European Year of Youth and EU Commission polices fighting cybercrimes, Microsoft Cybersecurity Month campaign and the Horizon 2020 project Rayuela.