

2020: Digitalization is about people, not technology

In 2020, Bildningsalliansen – the umbrella organisation for non-formal adult education in Swedish in Finland – will organise the All Digital Week campaign for the third time in Finland.

The issue of digital skills and participation in society has not disappeared, but rather the opposite, when looking at the current Government Programme of Finland and the newly adopted Our Vision 2030 for the Nordic region. The focus now is very much on participation and equal opportunities, which is in line with the general idea of  All Digital Week.

Based on the experience of the previous two years, a narrower focus has now been selected in order to see whether that produces more viable results. New regional networks to support basic digital skills have been established in 2019 and they have been informed about the week and invited to add their own events.

This year the campaign is decentralized and consists of various training events, seminars, webinars and lectures organized independently by individual actors around the country. Previous actors are encouraged to add their own events to the map and to report on the results. New actors are encouraged to add their own existing events.

The main event for Bildningsalliansen is a national seminar in the central public library of Helsinki, Oodi, focusing on how associations should and could deal with issues of digital participation, digital basic skills, storytelling and AI. The idea is to engage a specific target group in thinking about what they can do and what they have to offer in terms of support for digital skills improvement.

Hashtag for events in Finland is #AllDigitalWeek_FI

Contact: Mr Johanni Larjanko 

