
Get Online Week 2011 in Poland

“Tydzień z Internetem 2011”, the Polish round of pan European “Get Online Week 2011” campaign focused on encouraging a maximum number of persons to make use of the Internet, and was organised for the first time in Poland in March 2011.

Events throughout Poland, addressed primarily to 50+ generation not using the Internet, were attended by over 6.000 people. By total number of participants, Poland took the fourth place among nearly 30 countries, but the first among the countries attending for the first time.

The meetings took place in public libraries throughout the country, also at e‑centres, located in rural community public buildings such as local councils, schools, cultural centres or village day activity centres. Meetings were attended by 6 786 participants in total, of whom over 60% were over 55 years of age, predominantly pensioners and retirees, as well as public officers and the unemployed. For over 3 thousand participants the meetings were an unique opportunity to use the Internet for the very first time and learn about its benefits.

The coordinator of the Polish round of the Get Online week 2011 was the Information Society Development Foundation (Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego – FRSI), implementing the Library Development Program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. Organisation of meetings in libraries was assisted by scouts from the Polish Scouting Association and local volunteers. At e-centres the initiative was promoted by the Foundation Supporting Physically Disabled Mathematicians and IT Specialists.

» Download the complete report of Get Online Week 2011 in Poland