
Get Online Week 2012 launched!

The Launch event of Get Online Week 2012 was a big success. The event took place in the context of “Telecentre Women: Digital Literacy Campaign” of on International Women’s Day March 8 at Telecentre-Europe AISBL‘s headquarters in Brussels and was hosted by our Belgian member organization Interface3, a telecentre network run by women for women.

Commissioner Neelie Kroes, EC Vice President and in charge of the Digital Agenda for Europe opened the event with a speech, adressing the role of women in ICT for empowerment, employment and growth.

» read more on Telecentre-Europe’s website

And also:
» View the press release of the launch event
» Foto: view the best pictures of the launch event
» Video: Neelie Kroes applauds the digital heroes of European telecentres (4min6s) by Liberty GlobalNeelie Kroes at the launch event (3min) by EbS | Recorded live streaminginterview with CNN on more women in IT | video of last year’s Get Online Week launch event
» Neelie Kroes’ blogposts: Get Online Week across EuropeGOW12 Launch event opening speech | Round-up of International Women’s day 2012 | Putting “girl power” into technology (October 5th, 2011)