
GOW14 in full swing: 40,000 Europeans reached so far!


Telecentre Europe, the organiser of the Get Online Week 2014 collected preliminary results (available at 26 March) of the activities from our Campaign national partners:


– Organisations in 25 European countries are involved in activities related to GOW.
– GOW14 crossed the European borders, expanding to Africa and the Middle East (see the MENA campaign summary here).
– Around 2,000 events (trainings, seminars, workshops, etc) have been organised
– Over 25,000 people trained (in eSkills for Jobs and digital literacy)
– Almost 15,000 people attended workshops, seminars (e.g. ICT Career Days, Hunting for Digital Jobs, digital inclusion)

A new update on results will be shared early next week and a full campaign report including outcomes from all countries will be available in mid-April. Stay tuned by… Liking our Facebook page and following us on Twitter

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