
GOW17 Results: 3,500 events for 92,000 people in 2,850 centres

The eighth edition of the European Get Online Week (GOW) to digitally empower people was celebrated on 27 March -2 April, 2017. It was held under the patronage of Mr Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, and supported by Liberty Global, Cisco, Certiport, and Mozilla Foundation.

The GOW17 campaign challenged Europeans to learn, participate, share and create through thousands of events and activities supporting the digital transformation and its effects. This year, 2,849 organisations in 25 countries engaged over 92,460 participants in 3,506 events and reached millions.

See the GOW17 infographics by Maks vzw

The campaign proved again the necessity to raise awareness about ICT competence and the importance of giving every European digital skills.

In the spirit of the GOW campaign to support the digital transformation, our partners ran an array of events both at national and local levels to include various audiences and support them in their online journeys.






Get Online Week 2017 brought organisations across Europe together to support citizens to be better able to protect themselves online, to understand more about doing government and financial transactions online and to be empowered to create new career opportunities.

To facilitate the campaign at a national level, they had prepared easy-to-use plans and scripts, organized webinars and live broadcasts of their events.


  • Informative events about personal data, online banking, and safety online
  • Awareness raising workshops and seminars about the use of social media
  • Workshops for teachers and parents about secure apps for children and protecting them online
  • Training in copyright and intellectual property on the internet


  • Events on active citizenship and available tools to engage with local and EU politicians
  • Seminars how to create Accessible web services
  • Training on online banking, shopping and digital payments
  • Workshops introducing citizens to local government services and transactions
  • Webinars on paying taxes and bills online.


  • Training events using CISCO Networking Academy, Certiport, and Mozilla Foundation to teach basic IT knowledge
  • Workshops for young people to assess their skills on
  • Workshops to create online portfolios using and boost youth’s employability
  • Coding classes for kids and teenagers to explore ICT related careers
  • Other awareness raising events such as conferences, contests, career fairs, awards.

See the articles from different countries about their GOW17 activities on the I-LINC portalNational partners collaborated with local and national media channels to raise awareness about the campaign. #GOW17 was a trending topic on Twitter and Facebook, the hashtag brings 1.700 results in search engines.  Our partners reported 700 instances in both offline and online national and regional media, hundreds of social media posts, all resulting in over 9 000 000 people reach.

In the eight years of Get Online Week we have reached millions.

Telecentre Europe is grateful to our partners for their dedication and commitment to empower people year after year, equipping them with the skills they need for our ever-changing digital society.