During Get Online week 2012, “E-skills for employability & development” workshops took place in training centers all across Latvia. The workshops were based on the online Employment Toolkit, and the main aim was to show people how to find a new or better job by searching jobs online, preparing CV & Cover letters and promoting themselves through social networking.
Mrs. Katerina Sokolova was one of the participants:
“In the training center LatInSoft I was learning for the customer service profession, when my trainer proposed to take part in the “E-skills for employability” workshop. I was familiar with searching jobs online and had prepared my CV, but thanks to the Employment Toolkit training I understood that I had prepared my CV incorrectly as it didn’t give an employer the full information about my skills. Meanwhile, I was doing my field practice and the company manager told me to leave him my CV, “just in case” – he added. So I used what I learned during the Employability Toolkit training to improve my CV and cover letter, and this is what I submitted to the company manager.”
And it played a crucial role – she got the job!
The online Employment Toolkit is a very useful tool, that provides the opportunity to acquire the e-skills necessary to get a job. During Get Online Week 2012, all those who participated at the Employability Toolkit workshops had the opportunity to increase their knowledge and probably get a better job!