The Pan-European Get Online Week 2013 campaign (18-24 March) was launched by Telecentre-Europe’s co-founder Ian Clifford during the plenary session on awareness raising at the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Conference in Brussels on March 5th.
Telecentre-Europe opened the session with Ian Clifford interrogating the public: “If my daughter says she wants to become a programmer and asks me what she should learn for that, what should I answer?”. A rain of programme languages was shouted from the public: “Php! C++! Java! Ruby on Rails! Pascal? Cobol? Basic?”. Immediately, it became clear that there is a need among the wider public for more information on what ICT jobs are exactly about.
Ian explained: “That’s exactly what the upcoming Get Online Week (18-24 March) will about: a massive pan-european awareness raising campaign in almost 30 countries that will make use of innovative employability tools to direct more young people into computing qualifications and will encourage the young unemployed to take up industry-based trainings and inform them about certification schemes that can recognize their informally acquired skills.”
From the public, Gabriel Rissola, Telecentre-Europe’s Managing Director also intervened: “As a follow-up of Get Online Week, we plan to support the national campaign managers to lead and facilitate Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs. Each Local Coalition for Digital Jobs will rapidly agree on a local action plan covering Grand Coalition priority areas (like awareness raising, industry-based training and certification and innovative learning & teaching) and will target goals for the short and medium term. Digital Champions will be invited to play a prominent role in each Local Coalition. We will build a common action plan to maximise synergies across countries, particularly focused on the engagement of industry actors operating in multiple countries across Europe. The short term impact will be evaluated and reported in 2014 at the e-Skills week and the Digital Agenda Assembly.”
» Read more in the Press Release: “Get Online Week 2013 will create Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs” – Brussels, BELGIUM | 5 MARCH 2013