
GOW2012 partner for Estonia: The Smart Work Association

For Get Online Week 2012, the Smart Work Association has become the Estonian national partner.

The associaton will involve 10 telecentres in NGO’s and schools. Planned activities are seminars about e-services and hands-on trainings & demonstrations. They will also organize meetings, online discussions, a video, photo & stories competition and “days of inspiration” in different areas.

The Smart Work Association will promote their campaign through press releases, the publication of articles online and through interviews on radio & television. There will also be a an email campaign sent to non-profit organizations, businesses, libraries & village centers. Together with partners like the NGO Look at the world, youth organisations and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications, they expect to reach about 1.000 people during the campaign’s week.

Contact: Ms. Kadri Seeder, Project Manager