For Get Online Week 2012, the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet) has become the Hungarian national partner.
The network will organize a national campaign through 100 participating telecentres in NGO’s. The telecentres will offer free thematic training sessions at different levels based on the characteristics of target groups and the level of ICT skills. The specific target groups will include the youth, unemployed and SMEs, as well as senior people.
The campaign will be promoted both locally and nationally. At a local level, people will be invited by telecentres by using brochures and other regular ways of communication, including personal invitations. At a national level, a press conference will be organized and it will be widely promoted in the online media.
In partnership with the other Hungarian member of Telecentre-Europe AISBL, the Hungarian Telecottage Association, Demnet aims at involving about 5.000 people in the trainings.
Contact: Mr. Peter Palvolgyi, Executive Director