
GOW2012 partner for Lithuania: Langas I Ateiti

Already a partner for GOW2011 and GOW2010, the Association Langas I Ateiti (Window to the Future) is again the Lithuanian national partner for Get Online Week 2012.

Local partnership

Get Online week 2012 (GOW 2012) activities in Lithuanian will involve over 1000 public internet access points in libraries, state or municipal organizations and schools.

Through partnerships with Association Infobalt, Ministry of Culture, Information Society development Committee of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Labour Exchange, libraries, NGO’s and private business supporters, Langas I Ateiti expects to reach 50.000 people and more during the campaign’s week. Target groups are the participants of the 5 online courses  provided by Langas I Ateiti, school teachers and students, unemployed people from the Lithuanian Labour Exchange, Public Internet Access Points’ visitors (including libraries) and the public in general.

Planned activities

As Langas I Ateiti has experience in organizing GOW2010 and GOW2011, a lot of previous successful activities will be used in 2012 as well as newly organized ones: e-skills conference, Webinar for high school students, Get Online Week assessment tool for youth Skillage, publicity campaign, distribution of materials, teachers innovators forum, souvenirs, quizzes etc.)

As the dates of Get Online Week 2012 and e-Skills Week 2012 coincide, Langas i Ateiti is going to cooperate with Association Infobalt which is e-Skills week coordinator for Lithuania.  Both campaigns partners will cooperate in common activities as well as particular ones.

This year, Get Online Week as well as e-skills week will be opened during the e-skills conference in Vilnius on March 20. The conference will gather over 200 participants representing government, private business, local communities, NGO, media etc. The main issues to be discussed: the overview of the e-skills of Lithuanian citizens, future ICT and necessary e-skills, search for common government, business and society efforts for the further development of the information society.

Planned promotion

Langas I Ateiti will promote their campaign through:
1. a press release in:
• the official LIA website
• the website of the project “Online Services for a Lithuanian e-citizen”:
• news portals in Lithuania
• partners’ websites
2. an invitation letter to participate in GOW 2012 to libraries, schools, the Lithuanian Labour Exchange and partners
3. national radio/ TV

Contact: Mrs. Karolina Jasvinaite, Project Coordinator

» View the GOW2011 country report from Lithuania