
GOW2012 partner for Russia: PH International

Already a partner for GOW2011 and GOD2010PH International is again the Russian national partner for Get Online Week 2012.

Local partnership

The network will involve at least 60 telecentres in NGO’s, libraries, state or municipal organizations and in private organizations & schools.

Planned activities

Planned activities are seminars about e-services, hands-on trainings & demonstrations and workshops & introductions to the internet.

All activities will be region-led and will depend on the resources and capacities of PH’s regional partners. The activities will vary from workshops on first click and e-government services to videoconferences and regional conferences or round tables on information society development, as well as special contests for participants. PH and its Tvoy Kurs program will organize a national contest on the best outreach, best media coverage and best story to involve more participants and provide a wide promotion of the campaign.

PH will be responsible for providing training materials for its partners on the public website and for translating all the necessary materials regarding the campaign from Telecentre-Europe into Russian. All the organizations, willing to participate, will apply online and then will be asked to fill in a short report on the range of their activities and media coverage.

Planned promotion

GOW2012 will be promoted through PH’s websites, partners, and listserve which has over 5.000 subscribers, as well as through Tvoy Kurs and PH facebook groups. A special webpage will be designed on the program website similar to last year.

GOW2012 will be announced at the 3rd Annual Conference on Information Society Development, which Microsoft and PH organize on Feb. 9-10 for over 150 partners. The details of the GOW will be discussed with participating coordinators of the Tvoy Kurs network during the conference and through the program’s forums. Regional promotion will be the responsibility of our center coordinators, they will involve mass media and regional governments.

PH international expects to reach about 5.000 people during the campaign’s week.

Contact: Ms. Ekaterina Fedotova, Tvoy Kurs Program Director

» View the GOW2011 country report from Russia