
GOW2012 partner for the Czech Republic: European Projects & Management Agency

This year, the European Projects & Management Agency (EPMA) has become the Czech national partner for Get Online Week 2012, which will work closely with the National Safer Internet Centre (NCBI) launching the nationwide campaign.

The NCBI has been carefully chosen as a partner in order to widen the audience spectrum of the Czech GOW campaign as much as possible.

The partnership will involve 2 telecentres at the participating NGO’s (EPMA & NCBI). The partnership will organize a big awareness raising campaign with huge media coverage, and a range of workshops, hands-on trainings, demonstrations and seminars about e-services will be launched in schools, public libraries, within public administrations and SMEs.

An online competition will be organized as a main awareness raising driver promoting the Get Online Week. A special website will be prepared and launched, which will consist of information about the Get Online Week and eSkills week, about the participating NGOs (EPMA, NCBI) and the relevant services they are offering.

People will be invited to visit the website dedicated to the campaign to download learning tools, read it, and reply to questions dedicated to the online learning products offered by the two telecentres. The answers will qualify them to enter a competition. Its winners will be awarded by a valuable prize, drawing a higher number of people to the Get Online Week activities.

The website will also promote the educational activities of the EPMA and NCBI focused on development of e-skills and safer use of the internet. Furthemore it will contain Telecentre-Europe’s Youth ICT Employment Assessment tool Skillage, localized into the Czech language. The tool will be promoted through the network of the Youth Information Centres and other networks of the two partners.

Throughout the campaign partnerships at national and local level will be built by the two organisations, which will include the Association of public libraries, the nationwide network of Information Centres for Youth, media partners (Metropol TV and others), stakeholders (UPC Czech, Telefonica O2, etc.)

The GOW 2012 campaign will be promoted among the international partners, for example the NCBI will publicize it throughout the INSAFE network. The specially created web site will become the main marketing driver of the GOW 2012 campaign in the Czech Republic. It will include a competition promoting the dedicated learning products and tools. 6.500 Czech elementary and secondary schools will be adressed by an online newsletter to visit the website and participate in the competition. Also 4.800 Czech public libraries around the country will be invited to promote the website and use the learning tools during workshops they are organizing for registered visitors of libraries.

The website will also be promoted through workshops and online tools being offered by the telecentres to representatives of SMEs, public administrations and the under- and unemployed. Several public bodies including the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Post and telecommunications dept.) and a regional authority will be involved in the promotion of the Czech Get Online Week. This will ensure a very wide audience base especially in the regions facing a greater digital divide.

The GOW 2012 will be promoted through media – for instance the local TV Metropol, national Czech Radio, and press magazines such as Chip and PPK. Special attention will be given to representation in social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, Google+), i.e. especially in the profiles of the partners.

The partnership of EPMA & NCBI  expects to reach about 25.000 people during the campaign’s week.

Contact: Ms. Iva Walterova, Project Manager