
GOW2012 partner for Ukraine: IDEA network of PH International

Already a partner in 2011 and 2010, the IDEA network of PH International is again the Ukranian national partner for Get Online Week 2012.

The organization will involve about 50 telecentres in NGO’s, libraries and schools. Planned activities are seminars about e-services, hands-on trainings & demonstrations and workshops & introductions to the internet. They also plan PR events and “Open Doors” days.

PH International expects to engage the offline citizens to use IT and online activities, especially outside the Kiev, where the level of internet penetration is very low. Target groups include youth 15-25 years old, local civic activists and socially disadvantaged people & families. Special attention goes to pre-pensioners, as a new pension reform in Ukraine raised the retirement age and people from the pre-retirement age need a lot of support in expanding their employability.

Planned activities are:
– Conducting of IT courses for citizens, civic activists and government employees
– Free hours of internet
– Consultations and individual support to citizens and NGOs
– Conducting seminars and trainings on using ICT in promoting civil society principles to government and communities
– Educating NGOs, government and business about the advantages of using ICT in daily activities
– Press-events in the regions

Through a partnership with Microsoft Ukraine, PH International will conduct a press-conference with the participation of the General Director of MS Ukraine, which will attract national media and support a wide coverage. Also local media-events will take place, where possible organized by the regional IT centers (members of the national IDEA network). A project web-site and a Facebook page will be the main online platforms.

They expect to reach about 8.000 people during the campaign’s week.

Contact: Mr. Oleg Davydenko, Country Director