Opening the event, Gabriela Ruseva presented further events and project of the All Digital Weeks 2022.
She was followed by an inspiring keynote by Sonia Livingstone from The London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE on her research findings about the diverse reactions of parents to the new challenges for some of whom “Coding is the new Latin” and struggle to cope with the fast development of technology “Media Literacy is a moving target”. She encourged families to discover the digital world together and enjoy co-creation.
After that, Martina Di Ridolfo spoke about the lack of preparedness of teachers and their need of support and training to acquire digital competencies.
Georgi Dimitrov from the European Commission stressed the importance of the shared responsibility among stakeholders and the need for cooperation as outlined in the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP).
Following, many project were presented, one by Anna Jarzębska from Fundacja Mapa Pasji, a trining session on parental tool by Arja Krauchenberg , the guide4parents by Valerio Cipolli from the European Digital Learning Network, and the WebApp by Joanna Zyly from Fundacja Mapa Pasji.
You can find the materials on the projects’ websites: http://www.meli4parents.eu
Moige – Movimento Italiano Genitori
aFFaC-Associacions Federades de Famílies d’Alumnes de Catalunya
Παγκύπρια Συνομοσπονδία Γονέων Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης
Συνομοσπονδία Καταλυμάτων Ελλάδος
Verband der Elternvereine an den höheren und mittleren Schulen Wiens
Udruga roditelja Korak po korak
Apel – Association des parents d’élèves de l’enseignement libre
Foreldreutvalget for grunnopplæringen (FUG)
Fapoestejo – Federação Associações Pais do Oeste, Lezíria Tejo e Médio Tejo
Federação Regional de Setúbal das Associações de Pais
Andrey Bliznyuk