
“The Development of the Hungarian DigKomp System to Assess and Improve the Digital Competence of Citizens”- Recap of Week 3 Event (30 March 2022)

VIDEO RECORDINGS are available on Youtube.

The third week of the campaign was focused on promoting the use of the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp). So, the aim of the webinar, which took place on the 30th of March, was to showcase the development and future plans for the Hungarian DigKomp System, which is an adaptation of the European DigComp framework in the Hungarian perspective.

In the first part of the talk, the two speakers from Digital Success Programme Attila Rausch, PhD and Digital expert and Csongor P. Pajtók, Digital expert, presented the background and milestones of the development of the Hungarian DigKomp System.

Dr. Rausch pointed out that digital technology is changing our world, starting from education, economy, going on to society and the labour market. That is why, in his opinion, during these times of rapid technological development, there must be a growing attention to develop 21st century skills in school.

He also highlighted the correlation between digital competence and the whole country’s development, stating that:” The lack of digital competence is a huge disadvantage, and when we are talking about a large number of citizens without the basic level of digital competence, it is a huge disadvantage for a whole country”.

That is why the Hungarian government made a decree in 2019, about the building of this Hungarian DigKomp and why their work first started.

He also provided some numbers to make the Hungarian situation clearer: “In 2021, we were ranked 23rd for the DESI index, way behind the EU average, and while the Hungarian index is growing year over year, we were not able to catch up”.

After this overview, Csongor P. Pajtók described more in depth how the framework is organized. Firstly, he underlined how they are trying to make the system as accessible as possible for all the Hungarian speaker all over the world. They plan to assess digital competence deficits quickly and effectively, through highly playful and enjoyable exercises, to grab the attention of their users as firmly as possible in order to motivate them to keep using the system in the long run.

The system would enable profile-based competence development and certification, which is an unheard feature in the Hungarian education system, thanks to the constant updating provided by the “Office”, one of the core elements of DigKomp.

The backbone of the system and the main development tool is the DigKomp Learning Platform, a comprehensive tool for the measurement and development and assessment of digital skills for their user base. Some of the most interesting feature of this platform would be the built-in tutorials, training recommendations, and the opportunity for group assessment.

So, the main goal is to create an item bank that measures digital competences and provides immediate feedback with instructional support as well.

The platform would then provide a learning environment whose target group ranges from school age users, through employees all the way to senior citizens, providing an optimal challenge and user-friendly experience.

Based on the framework the group created two digital competence profiles. The first one, Citizen Basic, describes the necessary level of digital competence needed to prosper in everyday life for all citizens of Hungary. While the second profile, Citizen Plus, shows the proficiency level of digital competence needed to prosper in the labor market and enter higher education. The system will act as a development tool for citizens to reach these levels in the near future. The Hungarian DigKomp development group is now finding new partners for cooperation, exchange of experience, experts, and organizations from other countries in order to build an extensive international network.


14:00-14:05Welcoming and introducing participants

Peter Palvolgyi, CEO, ALL DIGITAL and Stefano Kluzer, Research Collaborator, JRC

14:05-14:25 Development of the Hungarian DigKomp System: Milestones, Framework
Attila Rausch, Digital expert, PhD

14:30-14:55 Creating the DigKomp assessment and development platform
Csongor P. Pajtók, Digital expert


We wish all the participants in the ALL DIGITAL weeks initiative, great success, fun, and really, we hope that you will enhance your digital skills in any possible way.

Thank you, all supporters, strategic partners, speakers and participants!

To learn more about the campaign –