

2018: Promoting responsible behaviours in digital environments was the National Partner in Switzerland for the second time. institute is dedicated to empowering netizenship and training on tools for socio-professional development.

The purpose of the ALL DIGITAL Week 2018 in Switzerland was to empower a responsible use of digital technologies in everyday life activities.

For the success of the 2018 campaign, Ynternet. org worked with its partners: TEDxGeneva, the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), various schools and educational institutions in Genev.

Together they wll organised a range of activities to boost digital skills of users:

  • Activities in specific schools (primary and secondary) to sensibilize and show the good way to use the internet. The training can be on various topics, as it is based on open discussion, depending on the school and the age of the students. Thanks to the different themes exposed directly by the students, the sessions had such themes as time management, licences and plagiarism, fake news. (
  • An introduction to digital health literacy with the University of Applied Sciences of Geneva (23th March). The course contains topics such as the transition towards technology, Internet uses and functions, Free Culture and Open Source, digital citizenship (new citizen expressions resulting from societal changes) in the area of health.
  • TEDxGeneva 2018: “And the day after?” on 22nd March. The day after seems far but is right here, right now. Is a common future possible? With this subject, theTEDxGeneva event hosted about 500 participants, including telecom ministers, regional change agents and directors from various public and private organizations. Since 2009, the conferences TEDxGeneva have increasingly achieved success, counting more than 90 speakers sharing their stories and inspiring people to be part of the change engaged 572 participants in their activities.

Contact: Athanasios Priftis