
“BIBLIO – exchanging ideas on transforming libraries in the digital age” – All Digital Weeks Event Recap (29 March 2022)

Peter Palvolgyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL, introduced the event talking about the ALL DIGITAL weeks campaign that takes place every year reaching over 100,000 participants from more than 20 countries. The campaign is run at country/regional/local level where digital competence centres and many libraries organise online and offline training and events to enhance digital skills. This year the campaign is supported by the European Commission, and by industry partners, Microsoft, Huawei and Certiport.

After this brief presentation, Peter left the floor to Gabriela Ruseva, ALL DIGITAL Project Officer in charge of Biblio project. She presented the agenda and the speakers.

Nicola Barbuti professor at UNIBA and coordinator of the project, said that the challenge is to: “provide the future digital librarian and digital curator with the competencies and the skills and knowledge to address the challenges of the digital transformation”.

Altheo Valentini, ALL DIGITAL President, presented existing and emerging skills needed in the library sector, as well as the two identified emerging job profiles. He highlighted the participation of the University of Bari, the Italian Ministry of Culture, EGInA and Public Libraries 2030 in developing the first phase of the project and that now they are supporting all the dissemination part. Gabriela Ruseva moderated the session and asked the specialisation course participsnts involved why they decided to participate in the project and what was the project idea that they had reflected upon and developed to innovate their library.

Rūta Bokota’s idea was based on the assessment of skills acquired during trainings, but also new information thanks to the specialisation course. She also wanted to be sure to know something concrete about methods, to have feedbacks from the participants at her training sessions at the library which was the reason why she decided to join the specialisation course. Digital skills, nowadays, are very important so an upgrade of her knowledge will be helpful during her job at Gulbene Regional library.


Krasimira Nyagolova, who works for the regional library in Silistra, thought about a project which aims to give a new role to the libraries in society, working on many initiatives to impact people’s behaviour and attract the community to act upon problems like environment, energy efficiency, pollution. Her library is the only one in the city, so she has a good partnership with schools and organisations, that’s why she affirmed that “the library is a community place for interaction and solutions, and we could work together on many various initiatives”.


Angeliki Giannopoulou’s project idea is to connect libraries and citizens and, through new techniques, to show that citizens can find all the right information in an easy and quick way. One of her ideas is to relay on the automated exchange of information between libraries, both in the public and private environment. Another idea could be to have a digital assistant that updates automatically the user’s profile, recommend books, send an email with the latest books’ arrivals referring to the user’s interest.


Davide Sgaramella, an informatic technician, had the idea to create a portal for access to digital media expansion via mobile application as innovative method of interaction with cultural heritage. In his opinion, it could be a good idea also to involve young people in this new type of library where you can interact with others, but also with books with augmented reality that also allows you to create for example a docufilm or something similar.