
GOW2012 partner for Serbia: International Aid Network

Already a partner for GOW2011 and GOD2010, International Aid Network (IAN) is again the Serbian national partner for Get Online Week 2012.

The foundation will involve 10 telecentres in NGO’s and libraries. Planned activities are:

  • Special trainings to promote e-skills and internet among different age/social groups (elderly, meaningful use among youth, unemployed)
  • Seminars  to bring closer e-services to the citizens (in NGOs and partner libraries) throughout Serbia
  • Workshops on the introduction to internet for parents with a special focus on methods to protect the safety of their children on the internet. These workshops will be done in cooperation with the association of parents.
  • A free-of-charge ECDL testing in IAN Telecentre during this week

Through partnerships with Association of parents and the Belgrade City Library, IAN expects to involve about 5.000 people during the campaign’s week.

Contact: Mr. Ivan Stojilovic, President

» View the GOW2011 country report from Serbia